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Navee Revolutionizes Brand Protection with AI-Driven Solution Against Online Counterfeits

Operating 24/7, Navee GPT enables high-quality, large-scale moderation for brands across various industries, setting new standards for speed, efficiency, and accuracy in counterfeit detection
May 23, 2024

Counterfeit production, if considered a country, would rank as the sixth-largest emitter of CO2 globally. With 40% of luxury goods sold online being counterfeit, the economic and environmental impacts of counterfeits are profound and alarming. Leading the fight against this issue is Navee, introducing an AI-powered GPT solution to help global brands safeguard their reputation and protect their triple bottom line.

Navee GPT is an advanced large-scale language model (LLM) designed to automatically monitor high-risk counterfeit listings 24/7, year-round. This cutting-edge solution builds on Navee’s previous innovation, the Collaborative Visual Authentication Network (CVAN). CVAN has been crucial in proactively blocking counterfeits at the upload stage using semi-exact image matching and shared insights. Together, Navee GPT and CVAN significantly enhance listing moderation efficiency, reducing average processing times by up to tenfold. This powerful combination identifies and evaluates suspicious content, slashing counterfeiting by up to 90% without human intervention.

“Today, creating thousands of counterfeit listings is simpler and cheaper than detecting just one,” explains Matteo Amerio, co-founder and CEO of Navee. “The expense involved in identifying a fake product now surpasses that of listing it online. Our solution addresses this imbalance by enhancing the automation of moderation processes, enabling companies to more efficiently eliminate counterfeit content.”

By integrating Navee GPT's advanced automation capabilities, customers can process up to 15,000 counterfeit cases per month, potentially tripling the efficiency of analyst teams. This solution provides rapid and accurate analysis, helping brands reduce operational costs and streamline their content moderation processes. Navee’s approach speeds up and improves the quality of counterfeit takedowns, offering a crucial tool for brands combating counterfeiters.

Leveraging its extensive moderation experience and structured training protocols, Navee GPT is engineered for high-quality, large-scale moderation. Navee’s goal is not to replace human moderation but to enhance its accuracy and efficiency through automation. This approach is essential given the rapid rate at which counterfeit listings can be uploaded and disseminated. By improving the detection and management process, Navee aims to thwart counterfeiters' ability to exploit the internet to generate and distribute fake content.

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