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Google Halts Gemini AI's People Image Generation

Gemini, premier AI image generator, pausing the creation of human images to fine-tune historical accuracy
February 23, 2024

Google has hit pause on its Gemini AI suite's ability to generate images of people, citing a need to enhance historical accuracy in depictions involving humans. The decision, announced via a post on a prominent social media platform, signifies a temporary halt to the generation of human images as the tech giant endeavors to address recent concerns regarding historical inaccuracies.

Acknowledging the need for improvement, Google assures users that a refined version of the Gemini image generation tool will be released in due course. Launched just earlier this month, Gemini has come under scrutiny for producing images of historical figures in contexts incongruous with established narratives, sparking criticism and derision across social channels.

Venture capitalist Michael Jackson, based in Paris, didn't mince words in his critique, branding Google's AI efforts as "a nonsensical DEI parody" in a LinkedIn post, echoing broader sentiments of dissatisfaction.

In response to mounting feedback, Google affirms its awareness of the inaccuracies plaguing the AI's historical image generation. Committing to swift improvements, the company underscores the importance of ensuring nuanced and culturally sensitive depictions in its AI-generated outputs.

While generative AI tools like Gemini offer immense potential, they are not immune to criticism. Historically, such technologies have faced backlash for perpetuating biases and stereotypes, from gendered imagery to racial misclassifications. Notably, Google encountered backlash in 2015 when its image classification tool misidentified Black men as gorillas, prompting the company to implement a workaround solution.

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