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October 2, 2023

Unlocking Real-Time Knowledge, ChatGPT's Latest Breakthrough

ChatGPT and a Microsoft-backed venture, has ushered in a new era of information access

OpenAI's ChatGPT, the renowned chatbot backed by Microsoft, is set to revolutionize the way users access real-time information from the internet. Until now, ChatGPT has relied solely on data up to September 2021 for its responses. However, a recent development has opened the doors to real-time web browsing capabilities, offering a glimpse into the future of AI-powered information retrieval.

This significant shift means that select premium users will now have the ability to pose questions to ChatGPT about current events and tap into the latest news trends. OpenAI has also reassured that this feature will become available to all users in the near future. With this update, ChatGPT is poised to become a go-to source for up-to-the-minute news and current affairs, transforming the way individuals seek information online.

In a parallel development earlier this week, OpenAI announced another groundbreaking feature: ChatGPT's forthcoming capability to engage in voice conversations with users. These advancements highlight the growing influence of AI systems like ChatGPT, which leverage vast datasets to craft convincingly human-like responses.

However, ChatGPT's previous limitation of being unable to incorporate recent events into its knowledge base has been a drawback for potential users. For instance, inquiries about the timing of the last earthquake in Turkey or the status of public figures like Donald Trump would yield responses like "'I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time information." This limitation deterred users seeking the most current updates.

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of business psychology at University College London, acknowledges the game-changing potential of ChatGPT's newfound browsing ability. He notes that users can now rely on the platform for real-time news, gossip, and current events, streamlining the process of finding quick answers to pressing questions. However, he raises a cautionary flag about the importance of sourcing, emphasizing the need for accuracy and credibility in the information provided through ChatGPT.

Notably, OpenAI has faced regulatory scrutiny in the United States over concerns regarding the potential for ChatGPT to generate false information. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has sought information from OpenAI on how it mitigates risks to people's reputations, reflecting the need for robust safeguards as AI systems gain more capabilities.

The decision to enable ChatGPT to access real-time internet data comes after careful consideration of several factors. This includes the computational cost, as every query comes at a cost to OpenAI. Additionally, limiting ChatGPT's data access served as a protective barrier against the dissemination of harmful or illegal content, safeguarding against the spread of misinformation.

In response to questions about the delay in enabling real-time browsing, ChatGPT cited several factors. Developing advanced language models is resource-intensive and time-consuming. Real-time data access can introduce inaccuracies, and there are privacy and ethical concerns, particularly regarding copyrighted content, that must be addressed.

As ChatGPT gains these new functionalities, it exemplifies the ongoing challenge facing the AI sector. Balancing the need for utility with responsible usage and safeguards is a delicate and evolving process. While removing limitations can enhance technology's usefulness, it also exposes it to potential misuse and risks. As we embrace the era of AI, these dilemmas will continue to shape the landscape of technology.

Josefina Dipaolo
Josefina Dipaolo
Content Writer at TechNews180
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