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September 26, 2023

George R.R. Martin and John Grisham Among Authors Alleging Copyright Infringement

Esteemed authors, threw down the gauntlet in a legal battle against OpenAI, accused of a heist of epic proportions

In a dramatic turn of events, OpenAI, the trailblazing AI company, finds itself embroiled in yet another copyright infringement lawsuit, as acclaimed authors, including George R.R. Martin and John Grisham, take legal action against the tech giant. Their grievance? OpenAI's chatbot, ChatGPT, was trained using copyrighted works without the authors' consent, marking the second lawsuit of its kind against the company in just a month. The Authors Guild, a professional association for writers, joins forces with these literary icons, accusing OpenAI of "systematic theft on a mass scale." At the heart of their claims lies the allegation that OpenAI brazenly copied these authors' works "without permission or consideration," utilizing the content to fuel their language models, such as ChatGPT.

As we delve into this compelling narrative, we'll explore the authors' argument that OpenAI's actions cast a shadow over the livelihoods of fiction writers. They contend that OpenAI could have, instead, turned to public domain works or paid licensing fees for copyrighted materials. The lawsuit calls for a seismic shift in the way AI companies interact with authors, advocating for permissions and compensations that could redefine the landscape of literary AI.

OpenAI, thus far, has remained tight-lipped, refusing to comment on the allegations. This wall of silence contrasts starkly with the chorus of concerns from the Authors Guild, which insists that ChatGPT isn't merely a chatbot but a tool used to create books that mimic the works of renowned authors, exemplified by the recent attempt to generate two unreleased volumes of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.

In a rare glimpse behind the curtain, an OpenAI spokesperson shared that they are engaging in "productive conversations with many creators around the world, including the Authors Guild." Their statement reflects an effort to understand and address the concerns of content creators. However, Rachel Geman, a lawyer representing the guild, remains resolute in her stance, stating, "Without Plaintiffs' and the proposed class' copyrighted works, Defendants would have a vastly different commercial product." Geman underscores the dire consequences of OpenAI's decision to copy authors' works without offering choices or compensation, warning of the existential threat it poses to writers at large.

OpenAI, while facing these legal battles, has been quick to defend its position, asserting that the lawsuits misunderstand the scope of copyright law. They argue that these legal actions fail to consider the limitations and exceptions, such as fair use, that allow for innovations like the large language models that are now at the forefront of artificial intelligence.

Josefina Dipaolo
Josefina Dipaolo
Content Writer at TechNews180
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