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Enterprise Software Sales: Sagetap's AI-Powered

Sagetap, San Francisco-based company taking the enterprise software world by storm, with a profitable business model
May 19, 2024

In the world of enterprise software sales, the traditional approach of cold emailing and calling has been a major turn-off for companies and buyers alike. Sahil Khanna, a former product marketer, and Kevin Hughes, a former sales manager, knew they had to do something different. The founders of Sagetap, a San Francisco-based startup, set out to create a more effective and efficient way to connect buyers with software vendors.

Their solution is an AI-powered marketplace that allows buyers to research and explore options, while also providing vendors with a platform to showcase their products. The twist? Sagetap uses AI to analyze sales calls and provide personalized recommendations to buyers.

"We looked at what happens with Uber and Airbnb, which brought incredible efficiency through a marketplace, and thought this will happen to the enterprise sales industry," said Khanna, Sagetap's CEO.

The company's marketplace is already generating revenue, with 5,000 buyers and growing revenue 2.7x year over year. But what sets Sagetap apart is its focus on using AI to improve the sales process for both buyers and sellers.

"We're not just automating an aspect of the existing process, but actually creating a new model," said Khanna.

The company's latest $6.8 million seed round was led by NFX, with participation from VCs including Uncorrelated Ventures and Emergent Ventures. The round also included 15 of Sagetap's customers, who were eager to invest in the company's vision.

As Sagetap continues to grow and expand its community of technology experts, it's clear that the company is poised to disrupt the enterprise software sales industry. With its focus on AI-powered recommendations and personalized sales calls, Sagetap is revolutionizing the way companies buy and sell software.

The platform's success is not just limited to its own growth, but also has the potential to benefit enterprise software startups looking to get noticed by large buyers. By providing a platform for these startups to showcase their products, Sagetap could be a game-changer for the industry.

As Khanna said, "The engine is working. We're seeing really strong growth. The next year is really about growing the community of technology experts, increasing our market visibility and really doubling down."

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