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Explore the 50 Best CleanTech Companies & Startups

Meet the game-changers in CleanTech. Explore our selection of the top 50 companies and startups in the field today
By Asmi Banjara
August 14, 2023


Leading the charge towards a sustainable future, cleantech companies are increasingly developing solutions to address pressing environmental issues. From waste management and sustainable agriculture to renewable energy, we'll look at the top cleantech companies and cleantech startups in this article to see how they're advancing the cause for a more sustainable world.

Why CleanTech?

Evidence of global warming exemplified by record-breaking temperatures across Europe and extreme weather events in South Asia are increasingly casting a shadow over net-zero initiatives and climate policy promises. Clean technology, or cleantech, offers environmental solutions to industries and consumers. Through the implementation of technologies, cleantech aims to curtail the carbon footprint by enhancing energy efficiency and promoting renewable resources. As the world faces the urgent need to transition to a low-carbon economy, these top companies are driving the adoption of a sustainable future.

20 top CleanTech companies

50 top CleanTech companies

Imperfect Foods is tackling food waste by rescuing imperfect or surplus produce that would otherwise go to waste. Their approach not only helps fight food waste but also promotes sustainable agriculture practices, supporting local farmers and suppliers. Through their subscription-based model, they connect consumers with high-quality, affordable products while promoting a more environmentally conscious way of shopping. As they continue to expand their reach and impact, Imperfect Foods sets an example for how innovative cleantech solutions can create positive change for consumers and the planet.

Paptic is a Finnish startup founded in 2015 that developed a unique alternative to single-use plastics and non-recyclable packaging materials. Their bio-based and biodegradable material is made from sustainably sourced wood fibers, also known as Paptic. These are designed to be strong, versatile, and eco-friendly, making an ideal replacement for conventional plastic packaging.

With an impressive reduction of up to 50 percent in carbon emissions compared to traditional plastic films, they have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by ensuring the wood fibers used in their products are certified as responsibly sourced. Paptic's approach has garnered recognition and accolades with the potential to drive change in the packaging industry.

Paptic - one of the top CleanTech companies

Rainstick has successfully addressed one of the most pressing environmental challenges - water scarcity and wastage in households. They have created water-efficient shower heads that significantly reduce water by capturing, cleaning, and circulating water that would otherwise be wasted. Rainstick’s solution has made a remarkable impact on water conservation, saving millions of gallons of water annually. Their commitment to sustainability and providing customers with a more eco-friendly alternative exemplifies how cleantech companies can make a tangible difference through technology.

The electricity consumption of the Bitcoin blockchain alone stands at 204.5 TWh per year. Soluna Computing focuses on using renewable energy to power blockchain technologies and computing infrastructure sustainably. By using wind power in regions with abundant wind resources, they have established a solution to address the environmental challenges associated with energy-intensive blockchain operations. They have strategically situated their operations in Dakhla, Morocco, known for its strong and consistent winds.

Soluna's commitment to sustainability is evident in its flagship project, project Dorothy, which is expected to offset approximately 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. This endeavor demonstrates how technology and sustainable energy practices can work to address pressing environmental challenges in the tech industry.

Soluna Computing - one of the top CleanTech companies

As a leading manufacturer of smart thermostats and home technology solutions, Ecobee enables consumers to effortlessly manage their energy consumption and reduce their environmental impact. Ecobee smart thermostats have helped customers save an estimated 10.3 terawatt-hours of electricity since 2017. They also focus on limiting e-waste and collaborating with local housing organizations, cities, and NGOs to implement effective solutions in communities in need. By integrating advanced technology with sustainable practices, Ecobee has enabled consumers to actively participate in creating a more energy-conscious future.

As a prominent player in the EV charging space, ChargePoint offers a fleet software platform that lets businesses manage and optimize their electric fleets efficiently. Through their technology and extensive network of charging stations, ChargePoint has facilitated the delivery of 172 million charges and avoided more than 1000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging the shift from fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric alternatives, they have played a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting cleaner air quality.

ChargePoint - one of the top CleanTech companies

Humble Bee Bio is a New Zealand-based startup aiming to replace petroleum-based plastics with biodegradable and renewable alternatives. They are pioneers in developing biodegradable plastics using biomimicry, drawing inspiration from nature's microorganisms.

Their biodegradable plastics have been tested under various conditions and are resistant to heat, water, industrial solvents, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This showcases the effectiveness of their sustainable materials in breaking down harmlessly and leaving no lasting ecological footprint. Humble Bee's innovative approach to plastics provides a practical solution to the global plastic pollution crisis and sets a precedent for other industries to adopt more sustainable practices.

Jupiter Intelligence is a US-based cleantech company that specializes in providing data-driven solutions to help businesses and communities adapt to climate change risks. They utilize advanced analytics, machine learning, and environmental data to offer actionable insights that empower decision-makers to plan and implement climate-resilient strategies.

Apart from essential infrastructure, Jupiter collaborates with the financial services and public sectors. Their clientele comprises six major global corporations from the power, energy, insurance, and mortgage industries, along New York City, Miami, and the U.S. Federal government. They enable businesses and cities to proactively plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks.

Deepki’s platform enables businesses to gather, analyze, and optimize energy consumption data. With a team of experts in data science and energy management, Deepki aims to change how buildings are managed and operated, unlocking potential energy savings impacts.

Deepki's approach to solving environmental challenges lies in its data-driven solutions for building energy management. Their platform has analyzed over 400 million square meters of building space, uncovering energy-saving opportunities and work in over 54 countries. As they expand their reach, Deepki remains at the forefront of driving positive change in building sustainability.

Deepki - one of the top CleanTech companies

Moment Energy specializes in providing innovative energy storage solutions. They are designed to address the challenges of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. By storing excess energy during peak production periods, Moment Energy helps to bridge the gap between energy supply and demand, creating a more stable and sustainable energy grid. This contributes to reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and combating climate change.

Each internet research activity contributes to the emission of approximately 1.7 grams of CO₂ into the atmosphere. Karma Metrix is a startup pioneering in the digital sustainability journey, being the first to measure, compare, and enhance the environmental impact of websites. They empower businesses to take charge of their digital sustainability efforts, allowing them to gauge their environmental performance through their Karma Analytics Engine. It collects and analyzes energy data, providing insights for businesses to identify areas of improvement.

Earth Knowledge focuses on utilizing the power of intelligent data analytics to address environmental challenges. Their platform offers solutions to gather and analyze data related to the Earth's natural systems that have been collected for over 40 years. These have amounted to hundreds of petabytes of data that they use to identify risks and opportunities specific to businesses.

With an ability to recognize interconnected patterns in planetary changes, the platform brings context to decision-making processes. Earth Knowledge is making a significant impact in promoting environmental sustainability across various industries with its data central approach.

Earth Knowledge - one of the top CleanTech companies

Climeworks is a Swiss cleantech startup that developed Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology. Rather than offsetting emissions, this involves capturing carbon dioxide directly from the air and permanently storing or using it for various applications. Their purpose-driven approach is evident in their mission for net zero. Climework’s direct air capture plants can reach a net carbon dioxide removal efficiency of more than 90 percent, making a tangible impact in the fight against climate change.

The average household water leaks account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted yearly. Shayp is a Belgian startup focusing on water conservation. Their technology enables businesses to monitor and optimize water usage. Shayp’s hardware and software detect leaks and identify inefficiencies in water systems, helping households and businesses make informed decisions and implement water-saving measures. Their data reflects the tangible impact of their solutions in conserving water resources and advancing sustainable practices. As they continue to drive positive change in water management, Shayp remains at the forefront of the cleantech industry.

Episome Biotech is a Turkish startup that uses natural microorganisms to tackle challenges such as wastewater treatment and waste management. Through its biotechnology solutions, the startup offers efficient and sustainable alternatives to conventional chemical-based processes. They have implemented their biotechnological solutions in various industrial applications, including the textile industry and municipal wastewater treatment plants, resulting in a reduction in chemical usage and improved environmental outcomes in these industries.

Episome Biotech - one of the top CleanTech companies

Ynsect are pioneers in insect farming and have harnessed the power of mealworms to create high-quality protein and fertilizer. With a strong commitment to circular economy principles, Ynsect aims to change the way we produce food and nutrients for animals while reducing the environmental impact of traditional farming methods.

Ynsect has provided sustainable alternatives to conventional protein sources. Their insect-based protein production consumes significantly less land, and water, and emits fewer greenhouse gasses compared to traditional animal protein sources. This has the potential to significantly reduce the ecological footprint of the agriculture industry and contribute to food security.

Dynmhex offers technology and services that empower municipalities and federal agencies to optimize energy usage and reduce costs. They aim to transform how cities and governments manage energy resources and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. By analyzing energy usage patterns and identifying inefficiencies, their technology enables organizations to implement energy-saving measures and make informed decisions about their energy consumption.

Cruz Foam is a US-based packaging company that specializes in creating sustainable foam materials to replace traditional petroleum-based plastics. They use natural waste resources such as crustacean shells to produce biodegradable and eco-friendly foams. These foams are designed to break down harmlessly in the environment, reducing the burden of plastic waste on ecosystems, degrading over 3,000 times faster than expanded polystyrene (EPS), which enters landfills and oceans. This impressive statistic reflects their dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of plastic waste.

Cruz Foam - one of the top CleanTech companies

Mosa Meat employs cellular agriculture and produces real meat directly from animal cells, eliminating the need for traditional livestock farming and reducing the environmental impact of meat production. Their process requires significantly fewer resources than traditional livestock farming, producing 80,000 burgers from one sample, drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, the Dutch government, together with cultivated meat producers and HollandBIO, created a 'code of practice' enabling limited tastings of Mosa’s products. With a focus on sustainable and ethical practices, Mosa Meat's technology has the potential to reshape the food industry.

Paris-based Fairbrics specializes in providing sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional synthetic materials. The fashion industry accounts for 10 percent of annual global carbon emissions. They have created biopolymers derived from renewable resources, which reduce the dependence on petroleum-based plastics that are a significant contributor to pollution. Fairbrics stands as a transformative force in the textile industry, driving positive change toward a more responsible future for fashion and apparel.

Concrete is the second most consumed material on earth, accounting for up to 8 percent of total global CO₂ emissions. EcoLocked has a notable solution for this - climate-positive concrete, also known as ecolocked material. These are biocarbon-based concrete designed to reduce CO₂, which is cost-efficient, lowers operating costs, and recycles excess pyrolysis gas.

Instead of using cement, their customized recipes incorporate ecolocked materials, which serve as partial substitutes. These materials are tailored to minimize CO₂ emissions and optimize functional performance. Ecolocked's ability to offer an effective solution makes them a driving force in the construction sector.

EcoLocked - one of the top CleanTech companies

Tritium is a Brisbane-based company providing charging solutions for electric vehicles. Their charging infrastructure offers high-power charging capabilities, accelerating the charging process, and making it more convenient and appealing for EV users. By enabling faster charging times and expanding charging networks worldwide, Tritium plays a crucial role in addressing range anxiety, a common concern among electric vehicle drivers. Tritium's charging stations are designed to be future-proof and support the rapid growth of EV adoption worldwide.

At the forefront of the solar revolution, Glint Solar specializes in advanced solar energy solutions to offer better insights for solar developers. Their software can be used to analyze solar sites faster by filtering substations and land types, while excluding environmental and protected land. The software can also assess the energy yield to build greenfield pipelines. Glint Solar's steadfast dedication to encouraging the sun's power through their collaborative software makes them a contributor to the global effort to build a greener future.

Established in 2012, Chapul Farms is the first insect protein product on the US market. Aiming to address environmental challenges caused by conventional livestock farming, Chapul focuses on cultivating insects that are highly nutritious and environmentally friendly protein sources.

Chapul tech solution is to use the biology of black soldier fly larvae which takes less time to incubate and are productive in mass culture. They add microbial life to agricultural soils and eliminate food waste, decreasing agricultural GHG emissions. The company also provides end-to-end project development services such as feedstock analysis, front-end engineering and design, and full system builds for agricultural innovation. Through their eco-friendly approach to protein production, Chapul Farms has revolutionized conventional agriculture.

Chapul Farms - one of the top CleanTech companies

Agricarbon is a UK-based company with sustainable solutions for agriculture soil carbon measurement. Agricarbon provides end-to-end service that quantifies soil carbon hidden deep within the ground. They employ stratified random sampling and advanced technology using hydraulic core extractors to collect soil samples, preserve soil structure, and allow for precise analysis of organic carbon. The company also provides comprehensive reports with detailed data breakdowns by field and soil depth, stored securely for future remeasurement and analysis. Agricarbon's innovative sampling process and technology are crucial in understanding and improving soil health in the agriculture sector.

Recycleye uses robotics to offer innovative solutions for waste management and material sorting. Their robotic automation technology automates manual picking operations in materials recovery facilities resulting in reduced costs and improved profitability. It efficiently sorts plastics and fiber materials, ensuring higher output quality and contamination removal.

Their AI, Recycleye Vision, also makes accurate waste sorting comparable to human capabilities. Aside from this, the company offers support with a service and maintenance plan, ensuring the robots are always operational. They have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability with their technology across Europe.

Innovafeed is a French biotechnology company dedicated to sustainable food systems. Innovafeed's approach contributes directly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting resource preservation, improved farm quality, and enhanced food production.

Their insect-based products, such as insect oil and protein, have numerous benefits for animal and plant nutrition. By embracing insect-based solutions and promoting circular value chains, Innovafeed is leading the way in creating a more sustainable and efficient future for food production.

Innovafeed - one of the top CleanTech companies

Using their proprietary technology, Monolith transforms carbon emissions into high-quality carbon black, a crucial component in various industrial applications. Monolith has significantly reduced the carbon footprint associated with conventional carbon black production methods, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative.

Monolith's facility in Nebraska is also producing hydrogen at a commercial scale. This can help power the energy transition for industries such as agriculture, aviation, energy storage, and chemical production. This means they have addressed solutions for more than 85 percent of the highest greenhouse gas emitters in the market.

Li-Cycle is a Toronto-based cleantech company advancing in lithium-ion battery recycling. They have created a closed-loop system for recycling lithium-ion batteries, minimizing waste, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and conserving valuable resources. The company focuses on recovering valuable materials found in batteries, including lithium, cobalt, and nickel, to reduce the impact of e-waste. By offering a circular solution to battery recycling, Li-Cycle plays a role in mitigating electronic waste and advancing the clean energy industry.

Dioxycle recycles CO₂ into high-value, reusable products. Utilizing their electrolyzer technology, they break down carbon dioxide and reconstruct it into energy-rich and valuable molecules, offering pathways to sustainable fuels and chemicals without further CO₂ accumulation. Dioxycle aims to recycle over 600 megatonnes of carbon dioxide annually while maximizing efficiency and scale. With entities in France and California, Dioxycle is at the forefront of cleantech innovation, pioneering solutions that can revolutionize our approach to carbon emissions.

Dioxycle - one of the top CleanTech companies

Ontruck is driving a sustainable solution for road freight transport. With their powerful network of carriers, they provide swift and eco-friendly delivery services, optimizing routes while ensuring the best customer experience. They also cater to large logistics centers with strict requirements for platforms like Amazon, El Corte Inglés, and Carrefour. The company prioritizes sustainability by measuring CO₂emissions in each shipment and calculating the savings compared to the industry's average. This helps companies reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more environmentally friendly freight transport system. With digital paperwork and control reports, Ontruck drives a shift towards more sustainable and efficient road freight transport services.

Established in 2018, FibreTrace is a startup providing textile brands and suppliers visibility into their supply chain. Operating on a cloud-based platform, FibreTrace offers products for textile fiber verification, traceability, and transparency. They also offer FibreTrace Mapped, a digital solution that showcases transparency through a chain of custody, utilizing blockchain technology to record regulatory compliance at each stage of the textile supply chain. The startup empowers the textile industry with data-driven transparency for more sustainable fashion.

Sonocharge’s technology enables batteries to achieve high power density and high energy density, catering to diverse markets. With a strong focus on future energy needs, their platform facilitates ultrafast charging, reducing charge times through enhanced ion mobilities. The solution is compatible with various battery chemistries, including Li-batteries, and enhances safety. Their manufacturing compatibility also ensures integration with existing battery production processes, making their innovative solution a promising prospect for the future of cleantech and sustainable energy applications.

AlphaESS is a company going beyond power storage. With a global presence in over 90 countries, they help homes and businesses store clean energy, achieve energy independence, and lower rising utility rates. For commercial and industrial sectors, AlphaESS provides tailored products to maximize energy independence and reduce reliance on the grid, without solar PV systems. They also advocate the electric vehicle revolution with AlphaESS's EV charger feeding cars 100 percent renewable energy. With a commitment to sustainability, AlphaESS empowers individuals and businesses worldwide to embrace green energy solutions.

AlphaESS - one of the top CleanTech companies

Founded as a spin-out from the University of Leeds, C-Capture holds patents for its solvent-based technology, offering a safe and cost-effective method to remove CO₂ from emissions through post-combustion capture. C-Capture's versatile technology finds application in various sectors, from power stations and cement plants to steel and glass-making factories. Notably, the technology employs a new class of capture solvents that are amine and nitrogen free, making it safe and suitable for large-scale production. C-Capture offers a promising solution to combat climate change and drive the shift towards cleaner, sustainable technologies.

EverCloak offers innovative solutions to major issues like greenhouse gas emissions reduction, water scarcity, renewable energy enhancement, and virus containment. Their manufacturing process enables the efficient and cost-effective production of large nanocoatings, allowing for the improvement of energy and saving for air conditioning and dehumidification systems to transform seawater into drinking water in drought-prone regions. Their cooling technology puts them at the forefront of lowering emissions and contributes to building a cleaner future.

Harnessing the power of data intelligence, NeedEnergy provides smart and clean energy solutions to address Africa's energy demands. They focus on distributed power generation and energy resources, using small-scale technologies to produce electricity closer to end-users. Through virtual power plants and virtual grids, they establish interconnected networks for power generation and gas. By using data-driven insights, they create a future-ready grid that adds value to already-built environments while promoting sustainability and energy independence.

NeedEnergy - one of the top CleanTech companies

Dispersa is at the forefront of cleantech, utilizing its technology to mobilize the power of microbes to produce naturally derived surfactants. These have the ability to disperse oil particles, encapsulating hydrocarbons in micelles for easy separation and removal. Dispersa's biosurfactants can be used in various industries, including detergents, cleaners, and personal care products, making them an eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based and synthetic surfactants.

SUN Mobility focuses on the electric mobility landscape with its energy-as-a-service approach. They make electric vehicles financially viable by separating batteries from vehicles and offering them on a 'pay-as-you-go' basis. This solution addresses key challenges to EV adoption, such as high upfront costs, range anxiety, and long charging times.

They create smart, swappable, and connected lithium-ion batteries, which can be exchanged at 2-minute Quick Interchange Stations. The system is further enhanced by a smart network that enables asset monitoring, fleet management, and user apps. SUN Mobility is accelerating the transition to a greener, more sustainable future by making refueling EVs convenient.

Open Ocean Robotics' autonomous robotic platform, DataXplorer, is a solar-powered uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) equipped with technologies that enable the collection of emission-free ocean data in extreme sea conditions. Its cloud-based data management and control system portal allows stakeholders to access real-time data, gain actionable insights, and optimize USV operations. Moreover, their system supports secure data sharing, directly transferring USV-collected data and analytics directly to the operating system. They offer safer, more efficient, and more sustainable methods to explore and safeguard our precious marine environments.

Open Ocean Robotics - one of the top CleanTech companies

Supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, Pani Energy works to enhance the efficiency, uptime, and emissions of water treatment processes. They enable holistic analysis and daily reports by consolidating sensor data into a unified platform that simplifies operations and promotes greener practices.

They help detect deviations in sensor readings, proactively preventing downtime and maximizing plant uptime. They also provide optimal set point recommendations and conduct dynamic simulations to eliminate guesswork to minimize waste. Their solutions empower businesses to make informed decisions and optimize performance for a more sustainable future.

As more people opt for electric vehicles, the demand for lithium batteries is set to rise 20 percent annually. Summit Nanotech is at the forefront, helping lithium extraction to meet the global demand. Using their direct lithium extraction technology, the company maximizes the yield of high-purity lithium products from natural resources while preserving the environment and the resources of local communities.

Traditionally, lithium has been sourced from brine or hard rock which generates greenhouse gas emissions and leaves a significant ecological footprint. Summit Nanotech looks towards sustainable harvesting with nanotechnology to selectively capture lithium ions, making the extraction process more efficient and sustainable. Summit Nanotech is making lithium extraction faster, more sustainable, and responsive to the rising demand for clean energy solutions.

While the revolution of plastics led to lifesaving advances, it also accelerated our carbon footprint. Utilizing the power of nature and circular economy principles, Genecis are transforming organic waste into sustainable, biodegradable materials, offering an eco-friendly solution to a product's lifecycle. Their process utilizes organic waste as a feedstock, resulting in lower costs and emissions compared to other bioplastics producers. Genecis' vision is to establish a robust circular economy where organic waste is transformed into PHA, and PHA-based products are composted at the end of their lifecycle. This closed-loop system minimizes waste and conserves resources, propelling a sustainable and resilient economy.

Genecis - one of the top CleanTech companies

Potential Motors was founded with a vision to make the off-roading adventure more sustainable and accessible. Their technology, OROS, is an AI-based terrain analysis and vehicle control system that detects incoming terrain using sensors. By adjusting the vehicle's settings, OROS maximizes performance and safety while optimizing energy consumption.

The system is designed to be compatible with a wide range of current and emerging vehicles. Drivers can confidently navigate challenging terrains and use less energy while keeping the adventure of driving. Potential Motors offers flexible calibration and configuration options to cater to various industries, making a future in off-road electric vehicles more approachable and exciting.

Gilytics has created smarter planning processes to increase the shift toward sustainable infrastructure. Their technology, Pathfinding, is paving the way for a future society that thrives on renewable energy and efficient transportation. Pathfinder utilizes spatial data and user expertise, utilizing cloud-based modeling to generate and compare multiple scenarios, helping users find optimal solutions based on their parameters.

With Gilytics' route optimization engine, projects can benefit from enhanced analytics and visualization, streamlining the planning process and driving productivity. Their automated infrastructure design propels the clean energy transition into reality through efficient planning.

There needs to be a 60 percent increase in food production to meet the projected demands by 2050. Inseco uses technology to enable the production of high-quality insect-based products with wide-ranging applications in animal feed, pet food, crop production, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Inseco's approach creates green solutions for businesses throughout the supply chain, enabling them to turn organic by-products into valuable resources while positively impacting their carbon footprint. By diverting waste from landfills and generating new revenue streams, Inseco is spearheading a greener and more sustainable approach to the food industry.

Inseco - one of the top CleanTech companies

Minimum is a software platform that offers scalable data collection, capable of analyzing emissions data from any source and format. It enables organizations to collect data from internal and external stakeholders, facilitate footprint analysis, emissions reporting, net zero planning, and more.

Minimum helps entities create auditable reports directly through the platform while offering guidance throughout the decarbonization journey. With their platform, organizations gain a central control center for carbon management, providing a strategic approach to planning and executing carbon management initiatives.

PunaBio dove into the ancient world of bacteria from 3.5 billion years ago to develop the world's first extremophile bioinoculant. This seed treatment consistently boosts yields by 10 to 15 percent in fertile soils while enabling crop growth in extreme environments and degraded soil. These microorganisms thrive in extreme temperatures, nutrient-poor conditions, and acidic waters.

Beyond their biotechnical work, PunaBio also embraces a strong social commitment. They collaborate closely with native communities in La Puna, sharing the value and potential of extremophiles and supporting local resource protection. A percentage of PunaBio's sales goes toward aiding these communities and the provinces where their remarkable technology's biodiversity was discovered.

80 Acres Farms is an indoor farm-based company that brings pesticide-free produce cultivated without tractors, silos, or soil. Instead, they employ robots and AI to grow food indoors while humans handle the delivery. Their farming practices use recycled water and nutrients by collecting rainwater and simplifying growing and packaging processes.

Their closed-loop farms also consume 95 percent less water than traditional farms, making a substantial contribution to water conservation. With a vision to produce more nutritious food using fewer resources, 80 Acres Farms is working towards high-yield farming, ensuring fresher, longer-lasting, and better-tasting food.

80 Acres Farms - one of the top CleanTech companies

ZeroLabs is tackling the biggest problem in the climate crisis – energy production and consumption. With 80 percent of global energy still produced from fossil fuels, ZeroLabs is changing the status quo through API. They help decarbonize operations, generating green proofs to communicate impact and enable verification.

ZeroLabs uses blockchain and sustainability standards, digitizing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), which prove that clean electricity was generated from renewable resources. They also developed ‘Green Apps’ using their programmable decarbonization tech, demonstrating the power of integrating renewable energy into various software and services.


These companies represent a fraction of the green tech startups and cleantech companies that significantly impact sustainability and environmental preservation. From water efficiency and waste management to renewable energy and smart transportation, these companies and startups are working to make net zero promises a reality while creating economic opportunities. By supporting these forward-thinking companies, governments, investors, and consumers play a crucial role in accelerating the global transition to a more sustainable world. Greentech companies are the planet’s future.

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