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50 Agtech Startups

What does the future of the agricultural industry look like? Here are 50 pairs of glasses through which you can peak in it.
By Neil Hodgson-Coyle
February 27, 2024

The agricultural industry had encountered numerous transformations and ruptures throughout human evolution long before it was even considered an industry. And whilst before the middle of the 20th century, the majority of farms were associated with subsistence farming in which rural families were responsible for the agricultural labor, today, technology has conquered the agrarian world. One should start with the latest revolutionizing technologies to acquire in-depth insight into the innovative changes that have flooded the industry. Here we outline 50 Agtech startups that are both - a result and a cause of innovation.

What is the role that Agtech plays in climate change?

The demand for food is rising due to changing diets and a growing worldwide population. As food yields plateau in many world regions, ocean quality deteriorates, and natural resources - including soils, water, and biodiversity - are severely depleted. As a response, technological innovation in agriculture is highly demanded.

Environmental damages such as soil depletion and erosion can be significantly decreased when technology is employed to make sustainability economically viable. Further, in response to the increasing water shortages, AgTech enables planting less thirsty crops and minimizes irrigation water waste.

With the rapid expansion and development of global warming, the increase in temperatures prevents crops from growing. Today, Agtech provides solutions to this issue as well. Crop diversification is made possible by fertilizer management software, soil and water pH adjustment, and the simple maintenance of artificial microclimates.

What are the challenges that Agtech startups must overcome?

The increase in greenhouse gas emissions results in droughts and storms that cause considerable crop damage and expand food precarity. The rise in food insecurity is significantly more threatening when considering the growth in population.

Additionally, the world’s grain supply has been negatively affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has resulted in price jumps and complicated supply lines. And while these damages to the industry are a serious obstacle for well-established businesses, for startups, they can be financially fatal.

Another major challenge that Agtech startups should overcome nowadays is the increase in interest in sustainability that consumers and food brands have brought. Public awareness of agriculture’s negative impacts has pressured Agtech small businesses.

What are the latest Agtech trends?

Vertical agriculture assists in enhancing food output and extends agricultural operations in addition to supplying fresh local vegetables. Vertical farming, or growing crops in layers, is within the latest Agtech trends, predicted to reach $1.4 billion by 2026. Further, with the increasing water scarcity, Agtech businesses nowadays are attempting to improve the water management processes.

Another ubiquitously used solution within the agricultural industry is agricultural drones, which enable crop and land monitoring. In fact, by detecting the plants’ colors, agricultural drones can indicate their condition and health.

Above all, the Agtech industry provides a solution to workforce scarcity. While individuals’ interest in farming is decreasing, AI and robots are taking control over the field, optimizing it and leading to progress.

50 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2024

More and more technology startups adopt an orientation toward agriculture, and with their interest, the number of innovations increases dramatically. The agricultural industry today is almost incomparable with its vision and structure in the past. The character of the issues it encounters has changed, and with it, the solutions. This section introduces 50 ag-tech startups, their solutions, and visions. Welcome to the agricultural future:

20 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2024

1. The Crop Project

Brooklyn-based company The Crop Project specializes in regenerative agriculture, sourcing kelp from coastal farmers along the Atlantic Coast to produce nutrient-rich ingredients for various industries. The Crop Project mainly makes use of kelp due to its ability to regenerate, produce biomass, and reduce ocean acidification at the same time. Best of all - kelp also captures carbon. This company transforms kelp into versatile ingredients for food, supplements, and skincare products. Focusing on sustainable and environmental preservation, The Crop Project harnesses the power of kelp to capture carbon and support coastal economies.

2. Farmlead

Farmlead enables grain growers to expand their business reach and find customers worldwide. Ranked as one of the top Agtech firms for 2023, it provides services through the Combyne mobile app, which is one of the most popular applications for selling agricultural products. The app negotiates deals privately, and buyers and sellers can join for free. The latest recent grain and other product prices are available on the Combyne platform.

Farmlead > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

3. Sentera

Sentera enables efficient and rapid collection of high-resolution imagery of plots and fields through agricultural drones and sensors. The extracted data is converted into real-time analytics and insights by machine learning and artificial intelligence technology, which are then viewable on the software platform. The startup provides 100% aerial coverage to its clients, enabling them to follow the growth processes from the earliest indication of emergence to harvest and all phases in between.

4. RootWave

In traditional farming, chemicals and pesticides are usually utilized to get rid of weeds. RootWave pioneers a unique approach to weed management, utilizing electric shocks to eliminate invasive plants and restore ecosystems. Recognized by organizations like Solar Impulse and EIT Food, RootWave’s innovative technology offers a sustainable alternative to herbicides, minimizing environmental impact while promoting biodiversity, especially as the need for eco-friendly farming practices grows globally.

5. Full Harvest

Full Harvest enables buyers and sellers of food to rapidly finalize agreements on extra or damaged crops with only a few clicks. The company’s goal is to reduce product waste to a minimum, and it is convinced that this issue can be resolved by digitizing the produce supply chain. Through a technology that incorporates a spot marketplace with a matching algorithm, Full Harvest enables customers to view what providers have available.

6. Ynsect

In the quest for sustainable protein sources, French company Ynsect (stylized as Ÿnsect) makes use of the nutritional protein of insects and mealworms, thereby producing high-quality protein and oil products for various industries, including aquaculture and pet food. Through this process, Ynsect is addressing the global demand for protein-rich feed alternatives while reducing the environmental footprint of traditional farming practices. Their Series C funding in 2020 raised $372M, which is the largest amount ever been raised by an agriculture technology company outside of the United States.

7. Terramerra

Vancouver-based Terramerra, which translates to “Our Earth”, leads the charge in plant-based pest control products, offering farmers an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. With over 250 patents in their portfolio and through their technology platform “Actigate”, Terramerra empowers growers to adopt regenerative agriculture practices that promote soil health and biodiversity.

8. AvidWater (formerly SWIIM)

AvidWater is a leading water resource management company. Growers may use their water allocation more effectively by having an audited accounting of their water consumption provided by the SWIIM CertifiedTM Water Balance Report. Moreover, this enables authorities to oversee and enforce regulations requiring water conservation. Progress in higher yields and water savings has already materialized for those who have joined the SWIIM certification program.

Swiim > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

9. MAVRx

VaRx technology, which is present in MAVRx, enables increased seedling vigor and decreased environmental stressors. MAVRx includes IBA and Kinetin, which are plant growth regulators that drive root mass development as well as increase vegetative growth for more fruiting and grain yield. MAVRx is a solution developed by INNVICTIS – a mission seed solutions provider.

10. Terviva

An agricultural innovation company from California, Terviva tackles the challenge of land degradation head-on, producing oil-rich seeds from Pongamia trees in Hawaii, Florida, and Australia to restore degraded farmlands. With a substantial number of trees under contract, they are revitalizing barren landscapes and promoting sustainable land management practices. Aside from Pongamia trees, Terviva also collaborates with predominantly women-led communities in India to harvest wild non-GMO beans.

11. InFarm

Founded in Germany, Infarm is a company that provides farming solutions through vertical farming, reducing GHG emissions and water usage reduction. Infarm uses 95% less water than traditional agriculture through its closed, near-total circular system that enables water recycling. Further, the company excludes any form of chemical pesticides from the growth processes. Infarm decouples food production from outside influences like societal health problems, climate shocks, etc., by localizing production and managing the growing environment.

Infarm > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

12. Arbonics

Arbonics, based in Tallinn, Estonia, pioneers in climate tech, green tech, and agritech. It operates a carbon credits marketplace, addressing the rising demand for quality carbon credits. Arbonics collaborates with landowners to offer a reliable supply to the voluntary carbon market. With a unique data-driven approach, Arbonics calculates afforestation project suitability remotely, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and scalability. Launched in 2022, Arbonics works with 4,000 landowners, planting over 4 million trees across Europe, earning trust from multinational organizations. Their afforestation solutions enable landowners to earn carbon income and rewards through data-driven forest planting strategies.

13. Hazel Technologies

Chicago-based Hazel Technologies joins the ranks of sustainable supply chain solutions, extending the shelf life of fresh produce and reducing food waste by actively targeting the natural forces that accelerate food spoilage. Through its innovative products, Hazel Technologies offers something new in food preservation and distribution, ensuring that consumers have access to high-quality, nutritious produce year-round. And thanks to its growing customer base and a commitment to environmental sustainability, Hazel Technologies is leading the charge towards a more sustainable food system.

14. GreenLight Biosciences

GreenLight Biosciences, a biotechnology company, focuses on RNA research, design, and production for the well-being of plants, animals, and humans. The company produces complex biological molecules in a way that can produce goods with the necessary quality at a cheaper cost and in a more scalable way than alternative methods. The firm is creating mRNA vaccines for cancer and other infectious illnesses in addition to its mRNA Covid-19 vaccine candidate.

15. Hexafarms

German startup Hexafarms specializes in driving efficiency in agricultural production through precision farming. Hexafarms developed hexaBM, an agriculture technology platform that assists growers and farmers in optimizing crop growth conditions in greenhouses and vertical farms. By using machine learning and real-time data analysis, Hexafarms provides invaluable insights into plant health and productivity, enabling farmers to maximize their yields. It measures biophysical factors that affect plant growth like CO2 levels, temperature, pH, and humidity.

16. Carbon Robotics

Founded in 2018, Carbon Robotics creates cutting-edge agricultural tools that enable farmers to work more productively. The innovative, high-precision method developed by Carbon Robotics by utilizing artificial intelligence and laser technology increases crop yield, offers farmers safer working conditions, lowers overall costs related to modern farms, and develops sustainable alternatives to regenerative and organic produce without the use of hazardous chemicals.

Carbon Robotics > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

17. Lumo

American startup Lumo offers smart irrigation solutions that help farmers to conserve water and maximize crop yield. With its wireless, solar-powered irrigation valves and intuitive management software, Lumo provides farmers and growers with real-time data insights and precise control over irrigation operations. By detecting water leaks and optimizing water usage, Lumo offers something new in water management practices in agriculture, promoting sustainability and efficiency.

18. OnePointOne

OnePointOne is a worldwide system of automated vertical farms that also includes cultivating food, researching medicines, and exploring genetics to provide sustenance and healthcare for the human population. OnePointOne employs personalized, adaptable, and movable LED lighting to create an optimal growth environment for plants. The lighting is automated and adjusts according to the specific needs of each crop, ensuring that it responds to changes as required.

19. Werms

Werms tackles the issue of food waste by upcycling local food waste into sustainable livestock feed and organic fertilizer. With its processes and high-quality products, this Singapore-based startup supports farmers in improving soil health and animal nutrition while reducing food waste. Werms promotes circular economy principles by offering environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional feed and fertilizer products.

20. Farmspeak Technology

Farmspeak Technology empowers farmers with agricultural monitoring solutions tat enable remote monitoring of crops and livestock. With its user-friendly mobile app and advanced monitoring devices, Farmspeak Technology provides farmers with insights and actionable recommendations to optimize farm operations.

21. Red Sea Farms

Founded in Saudi Arabia, Red Sea Farms is a company that specializes in sustainable agricultural technology and has developed innovative solutions that enable large-scale farming in hot climates around the world. RedSea has a set of unique technologies, including advanced plant science and genetics, that produce durable rootstocks capable of surviving in hot, salty conditions. The company also has cooling systems that save energy and water and a data-driven remote monitoring and control system that manages operations.


BIOMILQ is a startup biotechnology company that is working on creating human breast milk using cultured cells. They have announced that their technology is progressing rapidly and expect to have it available in the market within three to five years. BIOMILQ uses a process to produce human breast milk by growing mammary cells sourced from donated breast tissue and milk. These cells are then nurtured in flasks and provided with nutrients before being placed in bioreactors. The bioreactors offer the cells additional growth requirements and nourishment, prompting them to produce milk components.

BIOMILQ > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

23. Fyllo

Fyllo is a company that utilizes artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT technologies to enhance sustainability and profitability in horticulture. They offer this service through a software-as-a-service model, allowing their clients to access their technology and tools remotely. Through real-time farm data and analysis, Fyllo provides farmers with the tools and insights to optimize their operations, leading to increased yields and improved sustainability.

24. Bijak

Founded in India, Bijak is an online marketplace that specializes in connecting buyers, sellers, retailers, food processors, farmers, and traders in the agricultural commodities industry. Bijak's mission is to provide a seamless platform that streamlines the agricultural supply chain, making it more accessible and efficient for all parties involved. The company offers loans for buyers, working capital for producers, and real-time pricing for producers who can sell their produce directly to wholesalers and retailers.

25. Volta Greentech

Volta Greentech, a company based in Sweden, has created Volta Seafeed, which is a type of feed supplement for cattle that is derived from a species of red algae called Asparagopsis. This supplement is designed to reduce the amount of methane emissions produced by cattle. In 2022 the company first launched " low methane beef " on the Swedish market.”

Volta Greentech > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

26. Frubana

Frubana, a Columbian startup, is a B2B platform that specializes in selling agricultural products and packaged goods to restaurants and small retailers. It enables the direct buying and selling of goods between restaurants and small retailers, bypassing traditional supply chain intermediaries. The platform is designed to increase transparency and trust between parties while also improving logistics.

27. Eggoz

Founded in Bihar, Eggoz is committed to providing consumers with high-quality eggs sourced directly from local farmers. The company’s products are produced using natural methods and free from chemicals and antibiotics, with a focus on ensuring that the eggs are fresh and healthy. Eggoz has developed a farmer integration model that allows it to provide better quality and more nutritious eggs in a larger quantity.

28. Vegrow

Established in 2020, Vegrow offers a range of services to farmers in the state of Karnataka, including advisory services, packaging, and logistics support. Vegrow is a tech platform that streamlines the agricultural supply chain, enabling farmers to reach a wider market and sell their products more efficiently. Additionally, the platform provides farmers with the necessary resources and support to optimize their operations, which can lead to increased yields and improved sustainability.

Vegrow > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

29. Oishii

With its advanced hydroponic technology to produce premium-quality strawberries all throughout the year, Oishii leads in the vertical farming revolution. They meticulously control growing conditions and eliminate pesticides to provide flavorful, pesticide-free berries that set new standards for sustainable agriculture.

30. Augmenta

Augmenta is a Greek startup that has developed an innovative system for real-time VRA in agriculture, which can be retrofitted to existing equipment. This system automates agrochemical applications, which can significantly impact farming. Augmenta's mission is to enhance the productivity of arable land in a way that benefits both farmers and the environment.


Founded in 2018, Fasal is a company that uses AI to provide farmers with crop-specific, actionable advice. It has helped many farmers reduce the cost of cultivation while increasing the quality and yield of their crops. By using Fasal's platform for horticulture, farmers receive customized advice based on their specific farm, crop, and crop stage. Fasal promotes sustainable agriculture, which positively impacts the social, economic, and environmental aspects of farming.

Fasal  > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

32. Better Dairy

BetterDairy, headquartered in London, pioneers a new era of cheese production focused on health, sustainability, and animal welfare. Their cheese boasts no hormones, reduced cholesterol, and minimal environmental impact, catering to both bodies and the planet. Leveraging scientific expertise and precision fermentation technology, BetterDairy aims to revolutionize the dairy industry, envisioning a future where all dairy products are tastier, healthier, and sustainably produced for global consumption.

33. BharatAgri

BharatAgri, established by Siddharth Dialani and Sai Gole, alumni of IIT Madras, in 2017, is an agri-tech company providing farmers with AI-based agronomy services aimed at enhancing their revenue by applying scientific farming methods in a systematic manner. In addition to its AI-based agronomy services, BharatAgri operates an e-commerce platform called Krushidukan which provides farmers with access to various agricultural products such as fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, seeds, and farming equipment.

34. CropX

The CropX system is a combination of hardware and software that is designed to help farmers manage their farms more effectively. It uses real-time data and agronomic knowledge to provide guidance for successful and sustainable farming and allows farmers to track and share all their agronomic data in one place. The system is user-friendly and can be easily integrated into existing farming operations.

35. Kamatan Farm Tech

Kamatan Farm Tech is a company that focuses on logistics and supply chains and aims to create sustainable and inclusive value chains in agriculture. Kamatan Farms supports farmers in implementing best practices for producing, harvesting, packaging, and transporting their produce, resulting in higher production value than traditional supply chains. By sourcing farm produce directly from farmers and FPOs, Kamatan aims to optimize the supply chain for each buyer.

36. xFarm

Founded in 2017, xFarm is a Swiss-Italian startup that provides farmers with an integrated platform that combines data from various sources, such as machinery and sensors, satellite imagery, and decision support systems. It offers information on various aspects, such as pests, weed growth, irrigation requirements, and financial matters. This solution enables farmers to optimize their daily work and make informed decisions.

xFarm   > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

37. GreenLabs

Established in 2017 in South Korea, GreenLab is a company that aims to use advanced plant biotechnology to make the industry more environmentally friendly. The company has already developed four patented enzymes that are currently being produced commercially in corn, and they are looking for partners to expand their offerings and help other protein manufacturers. Further, GreenLab has created a system of intelligent software and hardware for farmers that allows for digitizing the entire agriculture industry value chain, from crop cultivation to distribution.

38. Indigo

Indigo Agriculture, a company based in Boston, was founded in 2014 and initially named Symbiota. The company focuses on developing microbial seed treatments to assist farmers in growing crops such as soybeans, corn, wheat, and rice while reducing the need for expensive fertilizers, fungicides, and other chemicals. Further, the company launched a marketplace facilitating connections between grain growers, buyers, and shippers.


Hydrosat is a startup specializing in collecting and analyzing satellite data. The Crop Yield Forecast developed by Hydrosat utilizes AI and satellite imagery to provide highly precise data at a faster rate than conventional reporting methods. This allows agribusiness and trading companies to obtain important crop information quickly, enabling them to make data-driven decisions with the support of the information provided.

40. Inari

Inari, established by Flagship Pioneering in 2016, aims to address the upcoming food system requirements using AI and multiplex gene editing technology. Inari has devised a method of improving seeds to suit the specific local conditions of a particular region, including the farm's soil type, day and night-time temperatures, and even the humidity. The company employs over 230 personnel, utilizing a blend of predictive design powered by artificial intelligence and a novel multiplex gene editing toolkit to unleash the entire potential of seeds.

41. WeFarm

WeFarm, established in 2010, is an innovative mobile platform enabling farmers worldwide to connect with each other. After a farmer has registered with the short code specific to their country, they can submit farming questions, tips, and answers to the WeFarm number using SMS. The WeFarm online platform processes each text message and then forwards the question to the most suitable farmers in the local area.

WeFarm > 40 AgTech Startups to watch out for in 2023

42. Trace Genomics

Founded in 2015, Trace Genomics is a leading company in the utilization of high-definition genomics to unlock concealed knowledge within the soil for the betterment of the planet and healthier soils. By employing cutting-edge genomics, soil science, and machine learning, Trace Genomics provides means to provide targeted database insights and actions that are both rapid and cost-effective for partners involved in the development of modern farming solutions for a food production system that is net zero.

43. Tevel Aerobotics Technologies

Tevel Aerobotics Technologies, a startup based in Israel, has created autonomous flying robots called FARs that are capable of making decisions about fruit selection, determining if the fruit is ripe and ready for picking, as well as identifying the optimal method for removing the fruit from the branch using its one-meter-long mechanical arm. These robots are able to work non-stop throughout the harvest period and operate using gas and electricity, which eliminates recharging time.

44. Mootral

Mootral, a Swiss-British startup, has developed a supplement for cattle feed that is made using extracts from garlic and citrus. When mixed with regular cattle feed, this supplement can help reduce methane emissions from cows. In fact, the reduction is estimated to be equivalent to approximately one ton of carbon dioxide per cow per year. Further, Mootral has an offset program that enables certified farmers who have utilized the company's supplement in their milk production process to sell credits equivalent to this one ton of carbon dioxide.

45. Entocycle

Entocycle is a Y Combinator startup established in 2016 that provides high-quality insect farming solutions and technology. With its farm design and construction service, Entocycle offers large-scale food producers and waste management firms an opportunity to convert organic waste into high-value insect proteins, fats, and fertilizers. Entocycle's Entosight Neo is a combination of software and hardware that employs an optical sensor to monitor and gather information on the health and productivity of black soldier fly colonies.

Entocycle > 50 Top Web 3.0 Startups

46. CINO Technologies

Founded in 2015, CIBO is a technology company that focuses on science-based approaches to provide its partners with a comprehensive platform that enables them to manage agriculture carbon and nature-based climate programs. CIBO's platform is designed to facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices by growers.

47. ProducePay

ProducePay is a company that is working towards creating a more connected and sustainable approach in the produce industry, which has traditionally been fragmented. The company achieves this by offering farmers access to the market, financial solutions, and trade protection. Storefront, a virtual feature, provides growers with a tailored platform to market their brand, showcase their available products, and initiate transactions with reputable and authenticated buyers, all in one location.

48. Nature’s Fynd

Nature's Fynd is a company that produces flexible protein alternatives derived from research conducted for NASA. The research focused on microbes found in Yellowstone National Park and led to the creation of versatile protein products that can serve as alternatives to traditional protein sources. The nutritional fungi protein Fy is produced through a proprietary fermentation technology. This technology is more sustainable and resource-efficient than traditional protein production methods.

49. Taranis

Taranis is an AI-powered crop intelligence platform that is solely dedicated to helping agricultural advisors provide value to farmers by gathering data at the leaf level. Taranis' technology provides insights that help farmers make quicker decisions, simplify their management, and improve their profits. Taranis has partnered with major agricultural retailers and crop protection companies since its establishment in 2015.

50. Apollo Agriculture

Using machine learning and remote sensing, Nairobi-based Apollo Agriculture offers custom farming solutions for each individual farmer or agricultural business. They offer advisory services to aid small-scale farmers in enhancing their businesses and combating food insecurity. Beyond that, Apollo Agriculture also provides access to farming products such as fertilizers, seeds, training, financing, and insurance. Farmers can choose products from Apollo’s app or digital store, and then pick them up at the nearest local agriculture dealer in the city or the village.


The present, as well as the future of the agricultural industry, has an alternative character – providing innovative solutions to issues such as water waste, air pollution, urbanization, and immigration. The development of the ag-tech sector is diversified and multifaceted. However, drones, vertical agriculture, and AI-based agronomy are among the most frequently encountered trends within the goals and visions of ag-tech startups.

Agtech companies are dedicated to providing intelligent and innovative technologies, services, and solutions to address the challenges of feeding the world and creating a brighter future for agriculture. Various solutions are provided, including harvest tracking, greenhouse construction, and AI-driven services and insights for farmers and companies.

Despite the growth of the global warming crisis and the damage it causes, ag-tech startups respond with innovative solutions worldwide, bringing hope back to farmers’ businesses.

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